2024 Priesthood Sunday

Priesthood Sunday is a special day set aside to honor priesthood in the United States. This year it will be celebrated on September 29. The day is coordinated and sponsored by the US Council of Serra International. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the Church as a central one. To appreciate and show support for our local diocesan priests, the Christian faithful in our parishes have been asked to submit a letter of appreciation.

A good shepherd, a pastor after God’s heart, is the greatest treasure which the good Lord can grant to a parish, and one of the most precious gifts of divine mercy. - St. John Vianney

Submit your personal story about your parish priest (current or past) to be shared on the Diocese of New Ulm website.
Email vocations@dnu.org.

The following are your letters about your beloved priests: 


Fr. Denny Labat

Ruthann H. (RB TEC #22)

In the fall of 1980, I made a Teens Encountering Christ (TEC) retreat in New Ulm.  Fr. Denny and many team members met all of us new Tecites at the Convent near St. Mary's. Thus began my journey with TEC.  Fr. Denny was always there; there was a constancy about him and his spirit. His care for others shone through in various situations, like the confessional, and he was able to take a joke, even when someone short-sheeted his bed. He was light hearted and funny! As a 16 year old that was something new for me, to find in a priest. Thank you, Fr. Denny, for sharing the love of God with all of us!  Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary to the Priesthood.   


Fr. Brian Mandel

Chuck K.

While still getting accustomed to his new assignment in the St. Isidore the Farmer Area Faith Community, Fr. Brian demonstrated his commitment and dedication to our parishes. Recently, in a stint of 5 days, Fr. Brian was required to perform no less than 4 burials on 4 separate days, all of elderly members of our community. I attended all of those services myself. I was impressed that Fr. Brian, in his inimitable way, was able to express in his homily, his personal knowledge of all four of the individuals who were being celebrated. He was able to share select information about each reflecting his obvious knowledge of their life and situations leading to their death. He shared end-of-life information such that the grieving family were comforted knowing that a priest had spent quality time with their loved one and ministered to them. 


Fr. Tony Hesse

Craig and Margaret P.

We are so blessed to have Fr. Tony Hesse for our priest at St. Anne's! He cares so much for each of us, from the elderly to the children. You will see Fr. Tony at all the community functions he can possibly fit into his schedule. He's so approachable, considerate, and very thoughtful of everyone's feelings. 

We thank you Fr. Tony for being our spiritual leader! 

Ron and Nancy Plaetz & Bob and Julie Plaetz

Shepherd / Teacher / Friend Fr. Tony Hesse –

In our uncertain world Fr. Tony is a constant guiding us through it all to God.  He is a constant in the community—whether it be sports for youngsters or senior dinners or a Benefit Fundraiser or a Community Memorial Day Program.  He prays each Mass as though it was his last whether it is a simple weekday Mass or the Easter Sunrise Celebration. 

With him, each baptism is a celebration of welcoming a new Catholic!   At school Masses he engages the students with God’s message.  Fr. Tony engages with teens where they are at whether it be serving Mass, attending religious education classes or participating in school activities.   He comforts grieving families guiding them through the funeral process in a caring, deeply personal manner.

Watching him mentor Deacon Matt Wiering, Deacon John Hayes, Deacon Nathan Hansen and Deacon Tanner Thooft the summers before their ordinations was awesome!  The fruits of those months are visible every day watching them and seeing the practical wisdom they gained working with Father Tony.  Future generations of Catholics are also indebted to Father Tony for this work.

As the Shepherd in our AFC he has brought us through the merging of seven parishes into two.  He is sensitive to the feelings of merged parishioners and continues to reach out to those who are struggling.

Father Tony has taught us about obedience as he accepts decisions from our Bishop.

While there is no doubt about his status as priest and his place of love and respect in our lives, Father Tony is much more, he is everyone’s friend, teacher, mentor, brother or son.  He is equally endearing in the community, at church and in our homes.  We are forever grateful for having Father Tony.


Fr. Jeff Horesji

Teri B.

A parish priest is a man of prayer called by God to serve Christ and His Church, to administer the Sacraments especially Holy Mass, to care for the spiritual needs of his people, and to help them get to Heaven.     

The Seven Sisters Apostolate are grateful for the gift of Father Jeff Horesji as the Pastor of our Shepherd of Souls Area Faith Community.  Daily Eucharistic Adoration and prayers are offered for Father Jeff’s continued reverence for the True Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, his devotion to the Catholic Church, his evident love of his parishioners, waiting handshake after Mass, gentle ways, pausing to listen,  humbly being Jesus -wearing boots - to all.


Fr. Jeremy Kucera

B. D. J.

It’s hard to write just a few words about Father Jeremy Kucera. So here are words that come to mind: Unwavering Faith ,Steadfast, Wise, Resilient Compassionate, Intelligent & His Love Of God is infectious. Father Jeremy is not a big fan of accolades but he sure deserves many.


Fr. Jerry Meidl

Nancy R.

When I was going to high school at Sleepy Eye St. Mary’s we had Fr. Meidl as our religion teacher. He was very young back in the 1980’s and I remember thinking “I have never met a priest like this before.” He was engaging, informative, helpful and he loved to laugh with us.

The next time I met Fr. Meidl was when he came back to New Ulm and St. Gregory the Great parish in Lafayette was part of the Holy Cross AFC. Prior to Mass, I stopped by the sanctuary (which was at the back of church by the main entrance) and just said “Hello Fr. Meidl, do you remember me?” He knew my first name right away and almost had my maiden name right.

In April of 2022 I started to work at the Cathedral office and have the privilege of working with Fr. Meidl.

He reaches out to all ages from the nursing home to the youngest children who sit in the back of church. Always with a smile and a little bit of teasing.

He truly loves his vocation and is so reverent when celebrating the sacraments. He makes funeral Masses and prayer services personal and shows true compassion.


Msgr. John Richter

Nancy R.

My mom was living at Divine Providence in Sleepy Eye and I came to visit her and joined her for Mass. Msgr. Richter saw me prior to Mass and knew I was a lector. He approached me and he asked me if I would be willing to read the first reading and the Responsorial Psalm for the Mass because he thought my mom would appreciate that.

This is one example showing how Msgr. Richter has always had a way with making you feel welcome.

Msgr. Richter was the priest in Sleepy Eye when I graduated in 1984. The next time I met him was when he filled in for Mass at St. Gregory the Great’s in Lafayette (the parish I belonged to). After not seeing him for about 20 years following Mass, without pausing, he said “And how are you Nancy.”

His ability to remember names is amazing!


Fr. Craig Timmerman

Michelle H.

Leviticus 11:45 and 1 Peter 1:15-16 command God's people to "Be holy, because I am holy".  What does it mean to be holy?  It means to "be set apart".

To obtain a complete picture of what "holiness" looks like we only have to look to Jesus.  To be holy is to look like Jesus.  Father Craig looks like Jesus in thought, deed, devotion, action, a zeal for God's word, and his compassion.  

l had strayed from the catholic church for 30 years and was a practicing Protestant Christian since college.  A move to the city of Nicollet led me to St. Paul's catholic church out of convenience, mostly.  Father Craig Timmerman was the priest at that time which was shortly after Covid.  

It was by observing his holy devotion to God, his care and understanding (despite my shame of a divorce), his love to others, his leadership and his joy that led me back home.  He demonstrates a clear understanding of God's word, an ability to empathize with the hurting, clear communication, and a deep love for God and the people he shepherds.  It has been a blessing to be back home as a result of Father Craig's holiness and leadership.  

Mary Jo S.

Father Craig Timmerman is the absolute best!

 My husband passed away in October and Father Craig was there for both him and me. I am not sure I would have survived without him at that horrible time.

 We were attending church regularly and my husband prayed daily, but I was not as active in the faith.

 Father Craig opened my eyes and my heart and now I have him only to thank!  I am now praying daily and have opened my heart to Jesus!  What a blessing!

 Father Craig is going to be missed terribly when he transfers in July.  The parishes he is going to are very lucky indeed!

 God Bless Father Craig!


Fr. Paul Wolfe

Elizabeth B.

I could not miss this opportunity to thank him for all he's accomplished while Pastor at Holy Redeemer in Marshall. He's moved on to another assignment now but leaves us with a most beautiful church, a remodeled Carlin Hall and an updated kitchen. He worked tirelessly in the transformation. In addition he was a terrific pastor, always willing to help, offer priestly guidance or a join in a friendly, funny chat.

Thank you Father Paul for all you do and God Bless you!


Fr. Mike Doyle and Fr. Jeff Horejsi

Monica S.

Our AFC Priests, Father Jeff Horejsi and Father Mike Doyle are very special to me.  They are my spiritual advisors, confidants, friends and are a profound foundation within our AFC. I met Father Jeff just before my Parents died 2 weeks apart in 2018.  He was wonderful in supporting me during my “grieving years”… in 2023 when I was sick for a year, both Father Jeff and Father Mike not only supported me spiritually, and mentally through my journey, but also visited me at my home and brought me communion.  They were patient, kind and caring, always willing to listen and guiding my thoughts toward the Holy Spirit.  I felt hopeful and encouraged at work and at home.  I’ve had the best of both worlds; by being able to work beside these amazing Priests who are such a blessing to me in endless ways. Without them knowing, their presence while at the church office also helps me to carry out the rest of my days positively when I’m not in the office, reminding me that I always have amazing support and blessings- and am a better person for knowing them and having them a part of my and my families lives!

Thank you Father Jeff and Father Mike!!


Fr. Germain Rademacher & other beloved Priests

Matthew B.

On this month of Priesthood Sunday, I would like to thank the men who accepted the calling of The Holy Spirit to become priests and who have shepherded me over the years at St Catherines. These men of the cloth include Monsignor Eugene Lozinski, Father Germain Rademacher, Father Paul Schumacher, Father Michael Doyle, Father Mark Steffl, Father Christian Adike, Father Robert Mraz, Father Cornelius Ezeiloaku, and Father Anthony Hesse. These men have not only been spiritual fathers to me but also friends. They have made me a better man, a better Catholic Christian, and most importantly have led me closer to Jesus Christ.

In a special way I would like to thank Father Germain Rademacher who was my priest during my middle and high school years. He was there in my adolescent years and helped me keep my Catholic Faith and Jesus Christ front and center in my life. He was there for my confirmation and witnessed Laura and my wedding. Thank you, Father Germain, for being a good priest and a good friend.

Our priests are there at some of the most important points in our lives. They are there for the happy and joyful events along with the sad and sorrowful times as well. Through it all they are there in Persona Christi through the Sacraments for us to spiritually feed us and lead us to the final goal of Heaven. Let us keep all our priests in prayer as we celebrate Priesthood Sunday and let us also pray for men who The Holy Spirit is calling to the Priesthood for our church.