Guidelines for Area/Parish Social Concerns Committees in diocese
Parish Social Mission and Ministry
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
National Catholic Rural Life Conference
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Joint Religious Legislative Coalition (JRLC)
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Diocese of New Ulm -Catholic Charities
“Living In The Real” is pastoral guidance for clergy and parishioners to prevent more of our brothers and sisters from falling into the trap of recreational and immoral drug misuse. In 2023, the Minnesota State Legislature legalized recreational marijuana use and established a retail industry for the drug. And because all of us have been affected in some way by the improper use of drugs and alcohol, especially by a loved one, the Catholic bishops of Minnesota offer this guidance in the hope of correcting the misperception that merely because something is legally permissible, it is safe or morally acceptable.
Office of Social Concerns
The Office of Social Concerns fosters the formation and development of parish and area faith community (AFC) social concerns committees as well as the diocesan Social Concerns Committee, in accord with diocesan policy. The office promotes Catholic social teaching and education about social concerns, including rural life and pro-life issues. It supports legislative advocacy – Catholic participation in the development of social policy that respects human life, dignity and rights, and advances the common good. This office is involved with promoting corporal and spiritual works of mercy, faithful citizenship and social action, sustainable agriculture, and environmental stewardship in the Diocese of New Ulm.
Deacon Timothy Dolan (Corpus Christi AFC) gave oral testimony at the Committee on Commerce and Consumer Protection hearing on February 28, 2023, in favor of interest rate regulation for consumer short-term and small loans with the intention of breaking the cycle of loan dependency for general living expenses.
*Click the linked image above to listen to the first five minutes of testimony regarding this pertinent issue.
contact the office of social concerns:
Tami Behnke, MS, LPCC
(866) 670-5163
Jessica Griebel
Administrative Assistant
(507) 233-5318