Office of Pastoral Planning

In his introduction to the Fourth Plan for Parishes of the Diocese of New Ulm, Bishop Emeritus John M. LeVoir very clearly articulates our gifts and responsibilities as Christian Catholics:

The Christian faithful's identification with Christ by Baptism should express itself by their participation in the mission of Christ, both within the Church and in the world. This expression is accomplished by participating in the triple offices of Christ: priest, prophet, and king. This plan is based on what it meant for Christ to be priest, prophet, and king; and what it means for the Catholic laity, together with their priests, to imitate Christ's triple offices.

This theology of the Church clarifies the identity and proper activity, or mission, of the diocesan staff and the organizations and activities of the parishes of the diocese. In some manner, all that happens on the diocesan level and in the parishes should be an expression of the priestly, prophetic, and kingly offices of Christ and the Church.

The Office of Pastoral Planning and the staff assigned serve the parishes, area faith communities, and all of the diocese under the leadership of the bishop, in helping everyone to best express the priestly, prophetic, and kingly offices of Christ and the Church.


Pastoral Letter "Continuing To Plan For Our Future"


Penny Forst
Administrative Assistant
(507) 233-5301