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COR Night is an event for middle and high school youth. Each night consists of games, social time, praise and worship music, a great speaker, a meal, and Cor Jesu (adoration). Bring your friends! Bring your youth group! Bring your family!


Location: St. Aloysius, Olivia, MN
Time: Event begins at 4:00 PM and ends at 8:00 PM
Cost: $20
Registration: Register your group below! All youth are required to be accompanied by adults as per safe environment guidelines (8:1 youth to adults).

2024-25 dates

December 15 - “Addressing Our Wounds” feat. Jackie Angel
An accomplished speaker and musician, Jackie Angel will be speaking about we can so easily buy into the lies that the world and the devil can sell us…and how to bring those lies to Jesus so He can heal them.

February 23 - “Full-Time Dreamer” fear. Connor Flanagan
Connor Flanagan is a Catholic hip-hop artist who wants Catholics to know that they have God-given gifts…and that God wants them to use those gifts! Connor will be speaking about how to discover your gifts and use them for His greater glory. And after adoration, you won’t want to miss Connor’s live dance party.