Diocesan Review Board for Sexual Misconduct

In 1993, the Diocese instituted a Review Board to provide objective recommendations and review of the diocesan response to instances of sexual misconduct.

Currently, the Review Board serves as a confidential body to advise the Bishop in matters of policy related to clergy misconduct, prevention of clergy misconduct, and on responses to allegations of clergy misconduct. More details regarding the Board may be found in the Diocesan Procedural Handbook Regarding Sexual Misconduct. 

The Review Board consists of nine members of outstanding integrity and good judgment, at least five of whom are in full communion with the Church. One is a priest. Six of the lay persons are chosen because of their expertise in psychiatry, psychology or social work, and law. Two other lay persons are chosen at large. The Promoter of Justice serves as an ex officio member of the Board. If none of the members are canon lawyers, an additional person who is one, is to be appointed ex officio.

Current Review Board Members: Mr. Gary Koch (chairperson); Msgr. Eugene L. Lozinski, JCL; Ms. Jamie L. Rieser, MS, LPCC, LMFT; Vicki Peiser; Mary Gagelhoff; and Ms. Tami Behnke, MS LPCC.